Grease Lightning
Why it’s Greased Lightning? It loves grease, fat and oils that are associated with the Galley and all food preparation areas. We will have you cleaning up at lightening speed. Go, Grease Lightning
Costs in Use:
Saving plastic and pennies: Our 1ltr bio flask makes over 50 x 750ml spray bottles. That’s over 50 bottles you have saved from entering our oceans.
- Galleys
- Food Prep Areas
- Pantries
- Crew Mess
-No toxic chemicals
-Food Safe
-VOC Free
-Non harmful to aquatic life
-Non Harmful to user
Top Tips:
Now that you’re cleaning the galley at lightning speed, don’t forget to tag us on insta with your before and after.
- VOC Free
- No Toxic Chemicals
- Stress free cleaning
- Ocean friendly